Workers Unite


Workers Unite has been set-up by a broad base of members, Shop Stewards, and Reps within our Union, Unite. 

Workers Unite is a broad church open to all fellow travellers, Unite members, Shop Stewards, Reps, Officers, Organisers, Staff and in fact all those who want to fight for workers their families and communities.

A group of Unite rep’s, activists and members standing for real change to take Unite back to its core business, protecting jobs pay and conditions of our members

Defending and supporting Workers in struggle. 

Supporting the programme for change encapsulated in the General Secretary’s Election Manifesto. 

We are united by our belief that the primary role of a trade union is to defend jobs and deliver better pay and conditions for our members continuing to enhance their work life balance  

Now more than ever, our Union needs to continue with a clear strategy moving forward, based on the workplace.

Workers Unite stands for: 

  • A Union that defends and equips our Shop Stewards and Reps.
  • A tolerant inclusive union
  • A Union that fights cuts to jobs, pay and conditions.
  • A Union that will always back members against bad bosses.
  • A Union with equalities at its heart 
  • A growing Union that has a clear plan for the future.
  • A progressive Union that will move beyond internal Labour Party politics.
  • A Union that demands the removal of all anti trade union laws

Workers Unite is taking trade unionism back to the workplace


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